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Monday, September 28, 2015

National Recovery Day

On Wednesday September 23, 2015, Slippery Rock University showed their support for National Recovery Day.

Gara is at SRU to help spread awareness of the AOD 
(Alcohol and Other Drugs) Program.

Any student, staff, or faculty member had the opportunity to 
show their support by participating in an alcohol audit system survey.

When finished with their surveys, any who wish to be anonymously evaluated could do so with the peer educators, 
and was able to get more informed with programs and flyers. 

Rachel is a Peer Educator who was helping to spread the information
on National Recovery Day outside of Starbucks in the Student Center.

Rachel and another peer educator demonstrate what it is like
and HOW YOU LOOK when you are under the influence of alcohol
by wearing BEER GOGGLES, and playing a simple game of catch.

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Monday, September 21, 2015

How Do You Get Around?

Slippery Rock Univserity is around a 660 acre campus. That being said, not all of us are lucky enough to have all of our classes in one building, or have the buildings right next to each other. However with 8,000+ plus students that attend SRU, about over 60% of them have a vehicle on campus. Driving on campus can have its ups and downs.
1. Trying to find a parking spot=NEGATIVE
2. Driving keeps us cool in the summer and warm in the winter=POSITIVE
3. Paying for a parking permit=NEGATIVE
4.We get to class quicker=POSITIVE
5.It is not very Eco-Friendly=NEGATIVE
6. You can save gas! BIG WIN
There are some challenges with having a car on campus, but now let's challenge ourselves.
Multiple students all over campus are helping the environment with out even knowing they're doing it. 
Not only does limiting your car usage help the environment, it's also helping your health!
Look to see how these students are limiting driving on campus!
Eden Gade [Exercise Science Major] is walking out of the Student Center with her purchases. She's on her way to her physics class and jokes about how she can't fit her purchase in her bag because all of her books take up every inch of her backpack.

She did not have the time to take them to her car because it is parked "almost on the other side of campus" because she walks as much as she can to her classes.

"I commute, but I try to limit how much I use my car once I'm on campus."


Nate Bullock riding around and waiting for his class to start on a Hover Board outside of the Strain Behavioral Science Building.

From Left to Right: Sherri McCandless [Art Major] and Jamie Gorgacz[Psychology Major] carpooling to their class.

Sherri goes to SRU five days a week. "I would walk if I lived closer."
Although their majors are not the same, they have a Spanish class together and it is convenient for them to ride together.
The Happy Bus has routes on and off campus [from Univ. Village and Giant Eagle] as well as evening and late night shuttles.
Don Sanders on his bike [with no breaks?!] leaving Boozel Dining Hall.
A popular way to get around campus is on skateboards. Here Lemarr Terry [Psychology Major] practices his tricks on his Penny Skateboard before going back to his dorm room.
"I did have a bike," he explained, "but it needs new pedals."
Josh Whitico [Parks and Recreation Major] skating around before calling it a day.
"I've been skateboarding since I was in 4th Grade. I live really close to the campus so it's an easy transportation."
Kayce Caparosa [Public Health Major] engages conversation while walking to her anatomy and physiology class.

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Monday, September 14, 2015

What Influences Our Opinions and Decisions?

We all have an opinion.

Photo taken from someecards website

For instance, in my opinion, I sometimes think that everyone sees their opinions to be right, because who doesn't want to always be right?
    • Some people can influence others for good and bad with their opinions.
    • Others end up in an argument and don't resolve their conflict.

Now I have a question.
What happens when it concerns a "serious" issue?

  1. Abortion
  2. Gay Marriage
  3. Global Warming
  4. The Death Penalty
  5. Being a Vegetarian or Vegan
Deciding what is a serious matter is once again your opinion, but how about something that gets overlooked? Should we legalize physician-assisted suicide?
What is it you ask?

PAS is when the physician provides the necessary means or information and the patient performs the act.
In California, on September 12, 2015, a bill was sent to the governor for consideration to legalize PAS. In 2015 about 18 state legislatures are considering whether to allow PAS or not, according to an article on The Heritage Foundation. Curious to see where it is legal or illegal still? Click Here!
According to the The Hippocratic Oath, it states, “I will keep the sick from harm and injustice. I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.”
When we think of America, we think of freedom. If someone is suffering from an illness, or in pain that you can't even begin to imagine, should they be free from it?
John Wallace had suffered from cancer, and choose to talk to his wife about PAS. His wife and family members where more than supportive with him, but what about when family turns against you?
 "Over time, the Hippocratic Oath has been modified on a number of occasions," said Phillip Nitschke Director and Founder, Exit International. "Surely, the 'harm' in this instance is done when we prolong the life, and 'doing no harm' means that we should help the patient die."
However, people like to argue say things like
  1. Endanger the weak and vulnerable
  2. Corrupt the practice of medicine and the doctor–patient relationship
  3. Compromise the family and intergenerational commitments
  4. Betray human dignity and equality before the law.

In the end, it is THAT person's life. No matter if people are pro or against PAS. Whatever needs to be done to help that person not suffer should be the tactic used.

According to the Chicago Tribune, there are "better" solutions than choosing PAS.

What drives Physician Assisted Suicide?
Reasons for PAS are because they fear of pain or other symptoms, they fear of being in a depressing situation, and also worry their self with a concern of losing who they really are.

So what choice should it be?

Suffer and try and find the cure?
Just end the suffering?

Touchy subject but what do you think?

Comment down below!

Just remember, we are all entitled to our opinions.

Where To Find Me!

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New Media Journalism FB Page
SRU Twitter



Friday, September 4, 2015

When Stalking Is Actually Appropriate.

I know what you're thinking. Creep much?
Let me just take away all of the thoughts running through your mind and say I am not talking about stalking a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Want to know what I am talking about?
Keep Reading!
I am sure each of us have dealt with, or will someday soon deal with trying to find a parking spot.
Finding a parking spot at:
1. High-School
2. College Campuses
3. Grocery Stores
4. Restaurants
5. The Movies
The list may go on and on!
Although I bet some of us can be found guilty to spotting that one person in the parking lot and almost driving two feet away from them so you can get their spot before someone else does.
(Let's all raise our hands now. It's okay I won't judge).
To all college students, this has become a daily routine. You would think they would add more parking spots, but of course that would be too easy!
However, there are some useful (and obvious) tips I have picked up over the years that will leave you with a parking spot and not driving around for "hours". 

The Solution
FIRST, you will need to tell yourself that any parking spot (unless it is hard for you to walk) is going to have to do. If you have to walk a little distance just remember while you're walking to your destination (which you know at least won't be that far) "I could be that person still driving around right now."
I'm sure college students, high school students, and employees have come to that realization.
A SECOND tip is to manage your time.

If you're in college and know what classes end, plan to get there when all of the students are walking to their cars.

Example: My first class starts at 9:00 AM so I usually arrive at 8:50 because that is when the previous class ends.

Need A Parking Garage??
I've got you covered.
Here are a BUNCH of tips and tricks to finding where to park in the city.
Using APPS...who knew?!

Don’t Worry Shopaholics ...
This website will let you know when the best times & the best days are to go shopping to avoid that crazy people traffic!
So until we are able to just transport to whatever location we want to with out a vehicle, we will forever be stuck trying to fine the best parking spot.
Comment down below and let me know if you do/use any of these tips, or what else works best for you when finding a parking spot!